ProStore®-Module Control Station


In the ProStore® Control Station, all operational key figures are graphically displayed interactively. Thus, the user is provided with extensive evaluations which make the performance of the Logistics System transparent. A variety of predefined viewlets are available to configure the control surface.

For more overview in stock

The ProStore® Control station provides a comprehensive and visually appealing overview of the logistics processes of the company depicted in ProStore®. It shows the current state of the systems and processes, and provides information, for example on the utilization levels, the resources used or the order volume. Concentrations are immediately visible and can be corrected.

The interface of the ProStore® Control Station is based on the new web technologies, which is a browser-based interface with the interaction possibilities of a rich client.

Efficiency increases and fast reaction times

The information units can be freely inserted, arranged and scaled by the operator. The configuration is saved by user.

The control center provides detailed information from the fields of stacker guidance system, picking, dispatch, incoming goods and resource planning. For example, it shows data about status and the current resource allocation, as well as an overview of completed, active and open transport orders per area. Resources are highlighted in color after a configurable period of inactivity.

Functional overview of the ProStore® line:

  • Daily visualization of the core information from the logistics processes

  • Status displays and utilization levels for current planning

  • Automated update of the displayed information

  • Flexible compilation of ads thanks to web technologies

  • Easy to customize to individual requirements