Jasper4Oracle Server

TEAM has developed the Jasper4Oracle server (J4O-Server) from scratch based on the experience gained from many customer projects, thus avoiding the time-consuming problems that arise when using the TIBCO JasperReports server in migration projects. It is also designed directly for embedding JasperReports into Oracle projects (Oracle Forms, APEX, ADF, Java Web projects). It is designed to replace the Oracle Reports server with minimal effort.

The differences between TEAM’s and TIBCO’s JasperReports servers become clear when you download the following feature overview.

Overview of “The different JasperReports Server”

Easy integration in Forms, Apex, JavaEE etc.

A lightweight PL/SQL API is included. To call a JasperReport from Forms, for example, you only need the following lines:

/* Specify the report */
TEAM_J4O.set_report(P_PROJECT_NAME => 'j4o_Demo',
                    P_REPORT_NAME => 'EmployeeExample',
                    P_FORMAT => 'PDF',
                    P_LOCALE => 'de_DE');

/* Pass the parameters */

/* Call the report */
if not TEAM_J4O.get_report_view_url(P_URL => v_url,
                                    P_ERR_CODE => v_err_code,
                                    P_ERR_MSG => v_err_msg)

   /* Display the PDF in the browser window */
   web.show_document (v_url,'_BLANK');
end if;

Jasper4Oracle-Server, Part 2 – Forms How to include the Jasper4Oracle Server in Forms

Jasper4Oracle-Server, Part 3 – APEX Integration of the Jasper4Oracle Server in APEX

Direct printing

By specifying the printer with the PL/SQL API, the report is printed directly, also from DB background processes (DBMS_JOB or DBMS_SCHEDULER). You simply specify the target printer. To determine the possible printers, the API also provides a function that returns all printers that can be reached by the J4O Server.

Direktes Drucken mit Jasper4Oracle
Einfache Datei-Mit Jasper4Oracle Anzeige und Download auch direkt aus Forms heraus

Display and Download

Display and download of PDF, Word, Excel etc. are possible as well as display via a simple URL, even directly from Forms. With TIBCO’s JasperServer, a password must be specified in plain text in the URL for direct access from other applications, which is not necessary with the J4O Server. For security reasons, the server generates a one-time token that can be used to display the report once.

pdf-file on the server

You can also use a directory on the server as the output destination to make printing easy in batch processes. You simply specify the directory and the report name as the output destination for the report.


Direct sending of e-mails

A created document can also be sent directly by email via the PL/SQL-API of the J4O server. You specify one or more recipients, CC or BCC and the email content. The document is then sent to the recipient as an attachment.

Deploying reports with different users

When executing the report, the database user can optionally be specified.  In many projects, Oracle Reports uses the current user passed by Forms. To facilitate migration, the PL/SQL-API allows you to specify the database user for each print call.


Further advantages of the Jasper4Oracle Server compared to the free TIBCO JasperServer

Jasper4Oracle-Server, Part 4 – Deployment How do I deploy a report to the Jasper4Oracle server?

Easy deployment

The deployment takes place by storing a jar file in the directory structure on the J4O server. The jar file can contain all resources of the report, including fonts, images and Java classes (scriptlets). The jar file, which contains all necessary resources, can be created in the Jasper Studio with 2 clicks.

Deployment mit Jasper4Oracle

Global Resources

If resources such as sub-reports, fonts, images, Java classes (scriptlets) etc. are to be made available globally, this is possible as a Jar file as a global resource.

Same functionality in JasperStudio and J4O Server

No changes to expressions are necessary when including subreports. In contrast to the TIBCO JasperServer, the J4O Server behaves like the Studio.


Easy administration interface

Via the administration interface, you can quickly and easily view errors and report runtimes.

Easy to install

The J4O Server is a standalone application. All you need is a Java environment (the OpenJDK is sufficient). The server is only unpacked and started. The PL/SQL-API requires some DB permissions because it communicates with the server via REST. However, installation scripts are available for this.


Jasper4Oracle-Server, Part 1 – Installation Brief introduction to installing the Jasper4Oracle Server


Trial version of the Jasper4Oracle server Zip file of the Jasper4Oracle server, version 1.8.1 (time-limited trial version*)

Integration of JasperReports in Oracle Forms or Apex application with a PL/SQL API for replacing Oracle Reports. The PL/SQL API offers functions for printing, exporting, downloading, mailing and showing documents (PDF, Word, Excel etc.) in a browser. Features: JasperReports | PL/SQL | Oracle | Forms | Apex | ADF | Oracle Reports | Reports | Jasper *The trial version is limited to 8 hours. After that a restart is required. The runtime limitation can be removed by purchasing a licence key. The test version has no other restrictions.

The Jasper4Oracle documentation

Product sheet Jasper4Oracle-Server

The Jasper4Oracle server turns out to be the perfect replacement for the Oracle Reports server.

Have we caught your attention?

You can find even more information on the Jasper4Oracle Server website:

If you would like more information about JasperReports, or would like to talk to a JasperReports expert, call us at +49 5254 8008-0, or leave your contact details and we will get back to you:

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