Material Flow Control with ProStore®


The control and monitoring of the Material Flow is increasingly a task of Warehouse Management Systems.
ProStore® provides extensive functions that integrate the entire Material Flow Control level into the basic system with the optional module Material Flow Control.

Material Flow Control in real time

The ProStore® module for material flow control allows ProStore® to directly control conveyor elements and integrate all requirements from automatic shelf control units to driverless transport systems.

The ProStore® material flow control communicates directly with the controllers below, usually Siemens S7.

Processes and interactions are graphically visualized and displayed transparently for the user.


  • Configuration of reporting points within a conveyor system (I points, task points, delivery points, RBG etc.) with assignment to a storage location or a storage location.

  • Assignment of functions to reporting points.

  • The functions are executed when a pallet in the material flow has reached a reporting point.

  • Extensions to a conveyor system can thus be subsequently configured in a simple manner.

    Example: Retrofitting of a labeler / printer integrated in conveyor technology

    A new message point is configured on the ProStore® page, whereby the transfer of print data to the printer / label is stored as a function.

  • Konfiguration der zulässigen Transportwege auf der Fördertechnik.

  • Configuration of the permissible transport paths on the conveyor system. Via this configuration, transports can be reconfigured and alternative routes can be created.

  • Overview of the motion commands generated in ProStore®, which are pending or passed to the controllers.

Material Flow Visualization with ProStore®


For the construction of a Material Flow Visualization, the information provided via the interface from the PLC level is displayed with ProStore®.


  • Schematic representation of the conveyor technology including shelf operating units.

  • Display of individual pallets, which are on the conveyor system, as well as display of pallet information such as pallet identification number, order number, article, quantity, batch, etc.

  • Disturbances are displayed visually by different colors (disturbance of a conveyor technology area, disturbance of a shelf operating device) as well as display of the current fault message (code and text) including the possibility of the software technical resolution of faults.

  • Automatically refresh the display in a configurable time interval.